Building confidence, inspiring success

By harnessing technology and teaching expertise, SPEASI will help students of languages shine in their speaking exams, and inspire an enduring love of language learning that will enrich their lives well beyond the classroom.

SPEASI Founder

Paul Begbie

Paul worked in IT for several years in the UK and France, before training as a teacher of French. The idea for SPEASI came to him one day when showing his students how to use an iPhone to record what you say in a foreign language. His maxim as a teacher: "Competence comes through confidence, and confidence through enjoying your learning."

Some of the team behind SPEASI...

Anita Lheureux

French Language Consultant

Leire Aldalur

Spanish Language Consultant

Chloé Seillier

French Language Consultant

Guy Metcalfe-Hume

Interface & Website Designer

Lauren Sparrow

Teaching and Spanish Language Consultant

Jutta Wintersteller

Teaching and Spanish Language Consultant

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